Keling Kumang Agro Producer Cooperative Launches New Aren-Based Product Variants, Poised for Market Expansion

Itoi and the staff are proud to showcase their locally produced Aren Sugar products. Credit photo. TA.

BORNEOTRAVEL - SINTANG: If you ever find yourself on a business or work trip in the eastern part of West Kalimantan, make sure to visit Sintang and Kapuas Hulu. 

In these areas, the Dayak people are successfully driving creative economies by managing local agricultural products and turning them into consumable goods. 

These products are then sold through a cooperative that operates with modern management practices, ensuring efficiency and growth.

Koperasi Produsen Keling Kumang Agro  - KKA (Keling Kumang Agro Producer Cooperative ) continues to innovate by developing premium products made from locally sourced agricultural products, particularly those based on the aren palm. 

Innovative Aren-Based Product Variants

Thomas Aquino, better known as "Itoi," the Cooperative Manager, explained that the raw materials for their products come from their members, which are then processed by KKA into ready-to-consume goods. 

“Our products include aren sugar, cacao, maram syrup, and aren sugar chocolate. These are the key products we create together with the farmer members of our cooperative,” said Itoi. KKA, focused on processing raw materials from local farmers, is committed to improving the quality and variety of the products they offer.

What stands out right now are several new aren-based product variants. “We now have aren-based products like red ginger aren, turmeric ginger aren, and liquid aren sugar. We’re also experimenting with a blend of aren sugar and coffee in one package, along with lemongrass aren sugar and black pepper aren sugar. These are still in the trial phase, but we plan to start selling them next year,” Itoi explained. 

These innovations are expected to diversify the product offerings available in the market and open new opportunities in the aren sugar processing industry.

Local Focus and Future Market Expansion

At the moment, KKA’s main focus remains on the local market. “Typically, our sales reach around 1 ton per month since we’re still largely serving the local area. We want to make sure the products we create are well-received by the local community,” said Itoi. The primary raw material, aren sugar, is sourced from local farmers who are members of the cooperative. Itoi explained that the aren sugar they use comes in block form, purchased directly from farmers in nearby villages. 

“We buy aren sugar in block form, then process and produce it into granulated sugar, known for its premium quality. This also helps increase the income of local farmers,” he added.

Looking ahead, KKA plans to expand its market beyond the local area into other regions. New product innovations and their commitment to quality are key to their growth strategy. 

“We hope to grow not just in terms of sales, but also by creating more job opportunities and supporting the local economy,” said Itoi optimistically. Through a combination of product innovation and a broader marketing strategy, KKA hopes to have an even bigger positive impact on its farmer members and the surrounding community.

The products available on the market are already certified with PIRT, halal certification, and HACC, a production and distribution standard audited by Mutu International under certificate number SNI CXC 1:1969 and HACCP 146/MS/2023. This ensures that these products are not only healthy and delicious but also safe for consumption.

-- Apai Deraman

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