Ba' Binuang Airport, Krayan Tengah, and Why It’s Named "Samuel Tipa Padan"
Honor to whom it is due: The sign at Ba' Binuang Airport displays the name Samuel Tipa Padan and his photo. This is not …
With the arrival of the twelve American visitors, Batu Ruyud has now evolved into the globally renowned Batu Ruyud…
Honor to whom it is due: The sign at Ba' Binuang Airport displays the name Samuel Tipa Padan and his photo. This is not …
Besides being historically significant and scientifically proven to have been a human settlement for 40,000 years, Niah Cave…
View of the Kapuas River from the mouth of its tributary, the Sekayam River in Sanggau. Photo by the author. BORNEOTRAVEL -…
Bathing in Kalimantan's rivers today: a rare sight. Photo credit: Lingling Cinday. BORNEOTRAVEL - PONTIANAK: Kalimanta…
The author and Pepih Nugraha from Jakarta enjoyed lae fruit in Tanjung Selor, North Kalimantan. BORNEOTRAVEL - Tanjungselor…
President Jokowi and Pope Francis, the leader of the global Catholic Church, had a relaxed conversation on the back terrace …
Eliyas Yesaya’s local and international achievements, highlighting his profound impact both at home and abroad. Doc. EY. BOR…
The Ulang Uli fish: a beautiful, exotic, and adorable sight. Photo Credit: BORNEOT…