Ricky El | The Phenomenon of Dayak Financial Literacy in the Ethnic Music Industry
BORNEOTRAVEL - KUCHING: The creative economy, which is touted as the belle of the digital age, is not just a discourse, b…
The beautiful and enchanting Amal Beach in Tarakan. Photo credit: Andreas Sony. BORNEOTRAVEL -TARAKAN: In the …
BORNEOTRAVEL - KUCHING: The creative economy, which is touted as the belle of the digital age, is not just a discourse, b…
Maratua, one of the beautiful hidden beach attractions in Borneo that is still undiscovered and not widely known. The island…
The commodification of Dayak culture by outsiders has significantly influenced the portrayal of the ethnic group and inhabit…
The Dayak people, during a ceremony, erect a pillar as a symbol of cooperation. The Dayak are everywhere in Borneo, making i…
In Front of the Ancestral Graves of the Punan in Rian Tubu. Photo credit: Fardeen. BORNEOTRAVEL - TARAKAN: The Punan are…
Historical Site, Tampun Juah, the Claimed Ancestral Land of the Iban People in Borneo. Photo Credit: Pastor Greg, CP./Borneo…
A Working Meeting between Commission II Members and the IKN Authority in Jakarta on Monday, March 18, 2024. Source: TEMPO De…
Screenshot of a friend's Facebook feed by the writer. BORNEOTRAVEL - PALANGKA RAYA: A timely reminder – as illustrated …