The Enchantment of Temajuk Beach


The enchanting and serene beach panorama of Temajuk is truly captivating. — Anton Surya.

Marine tourist attractions in Kalimantan? Do they exist? Absolutely!

Go discover them in a village located at the westernmost tip of Kalimantan. Temajuk Village is situated in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan, precisely in the Paloh district.

Temajuk has long bordered Malaysia, hence the presence of a border patrol post by the Indonesian military in the village comes as no surprise.

Its remote and secluded location ensures Temajuk maintains its lush greenery, complemented by beautiful, litter-free beaches. The hilly terrain covered in dense green foliage adds to Temajuk's scenic beauty. With a population of just around 500 people, Temajuk exudes a peaceful atmosphere.

Like most West Kalimantan residents, the people of Temajuk are friendly and welcoming to visitors.

Directions to Temajuk

On holidays, Temajuk is likely filled with visitors, especially local tourists eager to enjoy the nearby beaches.

The serene and captivating coastal panorama of Temajuk. — Anton Surya.

To reach Temajuk, you can take two routes, either via Sambas or Bengkayang. From Bengkayang City, it takes approximately 4.5 hours covering about 220 KM on well-paved roads recently constructed.

The route passes through Bengkayang-Ledo-Sanggau Ledo-Seluas-Jagoi Take. Beyond Jagoi Take intersection, head west; after passing Sekida Village, expansive palm oil plantations greet you. Upon entering Sambas Regency, expect hilly roads.

Finally, reach Simpang Tanjung, Senatab Village, Sajingan Besar district, Sambas Regency. Slightly towards Sambas lies the BBM gas station. With a full tank, continue towards Sungai Bening Village.

Sungai Bening Village offers extraordinary mountain views often shrouded in morning mist. Adventurers may explore Gunung Rumput National Park, bordering Malaysia directly.

Ant Hill Monument in Sebubus Village

Continue straight until reaching the Ant Hill Monument in Sebubus Village, then head north; a straight path leads to the sea.

The Ant Hill Monument resembles a chess fortress. After turning, enjoy refreshing sights of beaches and mangroves. About 15 minutes from the Ant Hill Monument, arrive at Temajuk marked by the NKRI Monument.

Alternatively from Bengkayang, take the Sambas-Sekura-Paloh (Liku) route. From Sambas, ferry crossings at Sekura (Sambas River) and Paloh (Sumpit River) await; this route also treats you to scenic vistas along the way.

Passing through Liku, the capital of Paloh district, head towards Sebubus Village. In Paloh district, visit beautiful beaches like Blue Tent Beach, Black Sand Beach, Olala Beach, Selimpai Beach, and the turtle conservation at Sebubus (known locally as Sungai Belacan Beach). From Liku, continue north until encountering the Ant Hill Monument, NKRI Monument, and arriving at Temajuk.

Exploring Temajuk's beaches is recommended; all are free except for parking fees during peak times to maintain order.

I recommend heading straight to the furthest point of Temajuk, J.Lo Beach. However, be mindful; cottages here are quite expensive for budget travelers, ranging from 500,000 to 1.5 million IDR per night, with enticing facilities. Along Temajuk's coastline, many local-owned lodgings range from 150,000 to 350,000 IDR depending on room size.

In Temajuk, signal reception is challenging, but locals offer Wi-Fi with vouchers starting at 5,000 IDR for 2 hours. Personally, I found Indosat signal at Pak Ngah Beach, which helps save costs... hehehe.

During the East Winds season (April-October), visit Indonesia's outermost point, Tanjung Datu Lighthouse, renting a motorboat costing 1.5 million IDR for up to a dozen passengers, taking around 1 hour. During the West Winds season (October-April), boat rides are risky due to high waves. From Tanjung Datu, gaze upon beaches of neighboring countries and near-pristine forests.

Gateway to Indonesia-Malaysia Border

Beyond beaches, Temajuk offers attractions like Batu Belidah and the Indonesia-Malaysia border gate.

Regarding food, seafood here is relatively cheap, while chicken and beef are costly, sourced from Liku due to transportation expenses.

Overall, dining here is affordable despite only three active restaurants and numerous pop-ups during peak seasons.

Without a doubt, Temajuk stands out as my top tourism choice, considering both financial aspects and beauty.

Let’s explore Temajuk!

— Anton Surya

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