Cornelis Promotes Dayak Culture in Sabah


 Cornelis was welcomed and well received in Sabah.

"In Sabah. I am currently engaged in activities related to Dayak culture and customs," Cornelis sent a message via WhatsApp to Borneo Travel (21/05-2024).

What brings the former Presiden Majelis Dewan Adat Dayak Nasional  -- MADN (President of the National Dayak Customary Council) for the period of 2016 - 2021 to visit Kinabalu city, Sabah?

Cornelis was specially invited by the Dayak International Organisation (DIO), represented by Dato Petinggi Andrew Ambrose, to attend and participate in the "International Day for Cultural Diversity Dialogue" event.

This event serves as an important moment to strengthen intercultural relations and dialogue, as well as to celebrate the cultural diversity among the Dayak people, whose population worldwide is no less than 8 million souls. This rich international event was held in Kota Kinabalu on May 21 and 22, 2024.

Why Kinabalu?

Kota Kinabalu is the capital of the state of Sabah in Malaysia. As the capital of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu is the economic, governmental, and cultural center of the region. Sabah itself is renowned for its natural beauty, including Mount Kinabalu, which is one of the main attractions for tourists.

Cornelis was accompanied by Mrs. Fredreika and delegates from Indonesia.

With Cornelis's presence at the "International Day for Cultural Diversity Dialogue" event, it is hoped that valuable contributions will be made to enrich discussions, broaden understanding, and strengthen cooperation networks among participants from around the world.

The rich and diverse Dayak culture

The Dayak, an extraordinary ethnic group, exhibit unparalleled cultural richness worldwide. Divided into nine major groups, according to Malinckrodt's classification, and stretching into 405 remarkable subdivisions.

Cornelis, accompanied by Mrs. Frederika, is warmly welcomed by Dayak officials in Sabah and Sarawak.

In the picture, Cornelis, accompanied by Mrs. Frederika, is warmly welcomed by Dayak officials in Sabah and Sarawak. The image captures smiles and warm greetings during their meeting. 

Cooperation in the field of Dayak culture across Kalimantan will be enhanced because the "power of culture" has proven to be far stronger and more enduring.

Geopolitically, the Dayak people inhabit the same island, Borneo, which is the third largest island in the world, covering an area of approximately 755,000 km². This island is divided among three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam. However, what unites them is their shared culture.

The remarkable uniqueness of the Dayak lies not only in their ethnic diversity but in their remarkable cultural unity.

Wherever they are, Dayak customs emerge with astonishing consistency. The character of the Dayak, full of respect for values, high humanitarian values, and a helpful attitude, is the mainstay of their lives. This is inseparable from the tradition of communal living in longhouses, which has been their hallmark for centuries.

Celebrating the diversity of Dayak cultural customs

This event is a manifestation of celebrating cultural diversity and dialogue, aiming to foster understanding, cooperation, and appreciation of various cultures, including the rich heritage of Dayak society.

This event serves as a platform for meaningful discussions, exchange of ideas, and networking opportunities among international participants.

As a distinguished member of the Dayak International Organisation, Cornelis was provided with hotel accommodation and local transportation during his stay in Kota Kinabalu for the event.

(Rangkaya Bada)

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