Pelian: The "Sultanfish" of Krayan


Pelian: The sultanfish of Krayan

Of course, "sultan" is allegorical. It is a metaphor that describes the high value, taste, or greatness of something. Pelian fish, a typical fresh water fish in the Krayan River, Nunukan Regency, is so delicious that it is called "the food of the sultans".

It goes without saying that Krayan is a slice of heaven fallen to earth.
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Maybe too much. However, I have no other words to describe the beauty, as well as the natural wealth in the heart of Borneo.

With clean scales and a tail that forms the letter V, pelian fish are agile in their movements to and fro. In fact, not only the Krayan River, other tributaries such as the Fe' Milau and the waters that empty into the Krayan River are endemic to pelian fish.

Why not! Krayan Earth is filled with limiting Natural Resources. One that is famous is the various types of fish, ranging from small, medium, to large. One of the most famous types of fish in Krayan is the pelian. Or fish spare, people there call it.

How does this sultanfish taste? So delicious!

Food and habitat factors also determine it. Why? This is because fish live in flowing, clear, clean water. In addition, there are lots of plankton, fruits that fall into the water, insects, caterpillars, moss, and various foods that naturally make fish healthy and fresh.

In terms of similarities, pelian is very similar to goldfish. The flesh is soft. This fish likes to live in water that flows quite fast, happy in water with rocks.

With clean scales and a tail that forms the letter V, pelian fish are agile in their movements to and fro. In fact, not only the Krayan River, other tributaries such as the Fe' Milau and the waters that empty into the Krayan River are endemic to pelian fish.

In simple terms, the narration of the philosophy of Lilin is related to the traditions of the Krayan people. How to get or catch the spare fish, must be completely organic, natural, using traditional fishing tools.

If not with fishing rods, trawls, nets, or traps. Until now, it is not allowed to catch fish like practices in other places that use electric shocks, poison chemicals, and so on which will only destroy all biota and damage the environment.*)

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