The monument commemorating the first Hakka people's landing in Pemangkat

The monument commemorating the first Hakka people's landing in Pemangkat. Sailing all the way from China, for months if not years, battling the harsh and fierce waves and storms of the sea, finally reaching Pemangkat. Photo credit: author.

Pemangkat, West Kalimantan, is worth a visit because of its unique blend of historical heritage and stunning natural beauty. This small town charms visitors with its distinctive allure, offering a satisfying experience for anyone who comes to visit.

One of Pemangkat's main attractions is its rich historical heritage. Here, you can explore relics of the past, such as ancient temples and historical monuments depicting significant events in the city's history. 

The cultural and ethnic diversity in Pemangkat

Legendary tales of the first Hakka people landing in Pemangkat and other stories will take you on an intriguing journey through time.

Pemangkat also offers captivating natural beauty. With its beautiful beaches, refreshing seafronts, and breathtaking landscapes, the city is a paradise for nature lovers and beach enthusiasts.

The cultural and ethnic diversity in Pemangkat makes it an interesting place to explore. From local traditions to culinary diversity, you'll find a variety of experiences that enrich your knowledge of the lives and culture of the local community.

So whether you're an amateur historian, nature lover, or cultural explorer, Pemangkat has something interesting for everyone. Don't miss the chance to explore the wonders of this small town and make unforgettable memories!.

The monument commemorating the first Hakka people's landing in Pemangkat

In the town of Pemangkat, you'll stumble upon a quaint temple nestled among charming eateries and cozy spots along the seaside.tumble upon a quaint temple nestled amidst quaint eateries and cozy spots along the seaside. But what truly makes this place special is the presence of a significant historical monument – a grand statue depicting someone rowing a boat.

Behind this monument lies a fascinating tale of the first landing of the Hakka people in Pemangkat, way back in the 13th to 15th centuries AD. This adds another layer of richness to the history and culture of this town. So, take a moment by this coastal retreat, soak in the historical aura, and revel in the breathtaking beauty of nature.

Now, getting to Pemangkat is quite the journey itself. 

Situated in the district of Sambas, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, this quaint town can be reached via land transportation such as cars or buses. 

The main route typically taken is National Road 120, linking Pemangkat to neighboring cities like Singkawang and Pontianak.

From Singkawang, the journey to Pemangkat spans roughly 2-3 hours covering a distance of approximately 100-150 kilometers, depending on the chosen route. For those opting for the skies, Singkawang boasts the H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin Airport, conveniently located around 5 kilometers from the city center.

Air travel from Singkawang to Pemangkat usually takes around 30-45 minutes, offering a quicker alternative for those seeking a swift adventure. Diving into the town's heritage, Pemangkat holds the title of being the most densely populated district in Sambas.

A small town is steeped in history and folklore

Known by its Chinese name 邦戛 (Pinyin: Bāngjiá; Hakka: Pang-kat), this small town is steeped in history and folklore. Legend has it that Pemangkat derived its name from its first inhabitant, Pak Mangkat, or from the notion of being "lifted" from the sea, as it was once submerged but emerged as land over time.

Its historical significance is further intertwined with the era of the Sambas Sultanate, serving as a settlement for Chinese gold miners. This gave rise to names of various villages and areas in Pemangkat in the Chinese language.

The town's population reflects a diverse ethnic composition, with Malay and Chinese ethnicities comprising the majority, alongside minorities such as the Dayak, Bugis, and Javanese.

Among the Chinese community, the Hakka people predominantly inhabit Pemangkat. Alongside smaller groups of Teochew and Cantonese descent, adding to the town's vibrant cultural tapestry.

-- Rangkaya Bada

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