Thai Phui Ji Rujak: A Temptation That Will Surely Bring You Back

People have long believed that Singkawang's cuisine is predominantly Chinese, specifically Hakka cuisine. 

Not many are aware that Singkawang offers a variety of culinary delights, such as special rujak.

Singkawang. Have you ever heard of a city in northern West Kalimantan that is famous as the "Kota Amoi (City of Amoi) which literally means the city of Chinese girls because the majority of its residents are of Chinese descent? 

For those of you who have never tasted, let alone heard of this culinary delight, here is a glimpse of rujak, a typical Indonesian dish.

However, Singkawang is renowned for the most delightful rujak, and not many people are aware of it. Other rujak is just ordinary! Unlike the exceptional Thai Phui Ji rujak.

Thai Phui Ji rujak

My initial experience trying Singkawang's renowned rujak. This rujak, which has been in business for 33 years, is undisputedly popular among its customers. It opens from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. and is consistently bustling with customers.

The price for a serving of fruit rujak is 25,000 per portion, and es kacang ijo (green bean ice) is 5,000 per glass. Just one serving is enough to linger in our memories, prompting us to say, "If you're in Singkawang, come here again..."

I visited the place around 1 p.m. Upon arrival, there was already a substantial queue. A price list near the rujak vendor displayed various items, including Bong Ko, Choi Pan, Bubur (porridge), Sop Mi (noodle soup), and assorted beverages.

Due to its rujak's reputation, I ordered fruit rujak and green bean ice. The wait, unlike that for other rujak vendors, was quite long this time—approximately half an hour to get that fruit rujak. Not because the rujak maker was slow, but due to the exceptionally long line.

Thai Phui Ji rujak has no equal. The taste of Thai Phui Ji rujak is indeed distinct from any rujak I have ever consumed. The unique flavors of dried shrimp and shrimp paste elevate this rujak to another level! (Absolutely delicious), not to mention melinjo chips added as rujak toppings.

Try combining eating rujak and biting into melinjo chips

It might seem peculiar, but try combining eating rujak and biting into melinjo chips. Oh, and don't forget to use chopsticks.

Well, it turns out to be an exquisite combination...

The price for a serving of fruit rujak is 25,000 per portion, and es kacang ijo is 5,000 per glass. Just one serving is enough to prompt us to say, "If you're in Singkawang, come here again..."

Beckon you to return

Thai Phui Ji rujak. It will undoubtedly beckon you to return.

The city of San Khew Jong (Singkawang), as the Hakka people would say, is indeed a culinary haven, with Thai Phui Ji rujak being one of its highlights.

(Rangkaya Bada)

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